Monday, April 13, 2020

What is design of base plate?, What is required size of Base plate for Steel Structure?

Design of Base Plate :

Grade of steel used                                             fy  =  250 MPa
Grade of concrete used,       
For  M25                              fck =  25 MPa Bearing strength of concrete,=0.45 x fck                               
As per Cl.34.4 of IS :456:20000
=0.45  x  25   =  11.25 N/mm2
Max. bearing pressure should not exceed the bearing strength equal to 0.6 x fc as per Cl.7.4.1 of IS 800 :2007
0.6  x  25  = 15 N/mm2
partial safety factor                                     γm0   = 1.1
Sectional Properties of column  2 NB TUBE 150  x  4.85 THIK. 
b     =  168 mm    
A  =   24.90 cm2
d    = 150 mm
Maximum support reaction at each leg  =   316 KN
(Ref : " Design of Trestles" in design notes )     =  316000 N
Required area of slab Base           
=  316000  X /          11.25  
=28088.89 mm^2
provide size of base plate more than                              = 28088.9 mm^2                                      =167.5974012 mm^2
proposed section for Base plate    280  x  280  mm
Thickness of plate provided = 22 mm
Length of the base plate = 280 mm
Width of the base plate  =280 mm
Area of base plate            
Abp =  280  x   280    
  = 78400 mm^2

        Hence SafeDesign Ok        

Yield strength of the steel                                                  =   250 N/mm2
Stress on base plate                                                               w = 4.031 N/mm2
Check for Base plate thickness
Depth of column section                                                            = 168 mm
Total width column section                                                         =150 mm
Smaller projection  b = ( 280  -  150)  /  2     =65 mm 
Larger  projection  a  = (280 - 168)/   2    = 55.85 mm
Thickness of the base plate required,  T  =   2.5 x  4.03 x (65  x  65
-  0.3  x ( 5.85 x 55.85 ) x  1.1/250 
T    =   12.0762 m
Provided thickness of base  plate                                             =    22 mm
        HENCE  SAFE      

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