Showing posts with label Tack Coat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tack Coat. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Construction of Bituminous Pavement or Roads

The Bituminous Pavement or Roads are commonly adopted as wearing course.

In the Pavement a wide range of Construction techniques are used.
Stage development is possible in the case of  Bituminous Roads, depending on the traffic demands.

The process of Construction of  Bituminous Roads is control of the consistent Viscosity of the Bituminous aggregate mixture during mixing and Compaction operation.
The following Construction techniques used in bituminous  Roads construction are given.
(I)Interface treatment
the surface of existing payment layer is to be cleaned need to remove dust and direct and a thin layer of bituminour binder is to be sprinkle before the construction of any kind of bituminous layer over this surface.
This treatment is necessary to provide the bond between the old and the new layer.
Types of interface Treatment are given below.
(a) Prime Coat:- 
Bituminous prime coat is the first application of a low viscosity liquid bituminous material over an existing porous or absorbent Pavement surface like WBM base course.

The main objective of priming is to plug in the capillary voids of the porous surface and to bond the loose mineral particles on the existing surface using a binder materials of minimum viscosity which can infiltrate into the surface porous.
(b) Tack Coat:-
Bituminous tack coat is the application of Bituminous material over an existing Pavement surface which is relatively impervious like an existing Bituminous surface or Cement Concrete pavement or previous surface similar the WBM which has already been treated by a Prime Coat.
Bituminous material of higher viscosity similar hot bitumen is used and in cold State, bituminous emulsion may also be applied.
(II) Surface Dressing
Bituminous surface dressing is provided over and existing pavment to serve like thin wearing coat.
To water proof the Pavement surface and to prevent infiltration of surface water.
It provides dust free pavment surface in dry weather and mud free pavment during Rainy season.
(III) Seal Coat
It is generally recommended as a top coat over determinate bituminous Roads which are not impervious.
It is providing to develop resistance texture.
The main function of seal coat are seal the surfacing against the action of water. 
(IV) Access Macadam
Bituminous infiltrate macadam is used as a base course.
(V) Built-up Sprinkle Grouting
Built-up Sprinkle Grouting consists of two layer composite Construction of Compacted crushed aggregate with application of bituminous binder after each layer for bonding.
The total Compacted thickness of this layer is 75 mm.
(VI) Premixed Operation
In this method the aggregate and bituminous binder are mixed throughly before spreading and compacting.


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