Showing posts with label Plans and Drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plans and Drawings. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2020

Plans and Drawings

Plans and Drawings
 Plans, drawings and stresses sheet shall be prepared as per IS 8000 (Parts I too 4), IS 8976 and IS 962. 
1. Plans 
The plans (design drawings) shall show the sizes, sections, and the corresponding locations of various members. Floor levels, columncenters, and offsets shall be proportions. Plans shall be drawn to a scale large enough to convey the information suitably, Plans shallrepresent the type of construction to be waged; and shall be supplemented by such data on the suppose loads, shears, moments and axial forces to be resisted by all members , and their connections, as may be required for the proper preparation of shop drawings. Any special precaution to be taken in the erection of structure, from the design perquisite shall also be specify in the drawing.
2 .Shop Drawings
Shop drawings, giving complete information necessary for the fabrication of the ingredient parts of the structure together with the location, type, size, length and detail of all welds and fasteners shall be prepared in advance of the actual fabrication. They shall clearly differentiate between shop and field rivets, bolts , and welds. For auxiliary information to be included on drawings for designs based on the use of welding, reference shall be made to relevant Indian Standards. Shop drawings shall be made in respect for with IS 962. A marking diagram grant distinct identification marks to each separate part of steel work shall be prepared. The diagram shall be sufficient to ensure convenient assembly and erection at the site 2 Symbols used for welding on plans and shop drawings shall be according to IS 813.  
Source:- IS:800:2007

125 किलोमीटर लंबी ऋषिकेश-कर्णप्रयाग रेल परियोजना

मुख्यमंत्री श्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी ने शनिवार को जनपद चमोली के कर्णप्रयाग, सेवाई में संचालित ऋषिकेश-कर्णप्रयाग रेल परियोजना के कार्यो का स्थली...