Saturday, January 18, 2020

Durability of structure , Factors affecting durability of Building , Requirements for durability, Exposure Condition

DURABILITY - a durable steel structure is one that platform satisfactorily the desired function in the working environment under anticipated exposure condition during its service life, without deterioration of the cross-sectional area and loss of strength due to corrosion.
the material used, the detailing, fabrication, erection and surface protection measures should all address the corrosion protection and durability requirements.
                                   Requirements for Durability
As per Cl. 15.2.1 of IS-800-2007 Shape, Size ,Orientation of Members Connections and details
The design, fabrication and erection details of exposed structures should be such that good drainage of water is ensured. standing pool of water , moisture  accumulation and rundown of water for extended duration shall be avoided.
the details of connections should ensure that:
a) All exposed surfaces are easily accessible for inspection and maintenance;
b)All surfaces, not so easily accessible are completely sealed against ingress of moisture.
As per Cl. 15.2.2 of IS-800-2007 Exposure Condition
The general environment , to which a steel structure is exposed building its working life is classified into five levels of severity.
Sn.          Environmental classifications                  Exposure Conditions
i)  mild                            Surfaces normally protected against exposure                                                          to weather or aggressive condition as in interior of                                                building, except when located in coastal areas
ii) Moderate                               Structural Steel  Surfaces:
                                                   a) exposed to condensation and rain   
                                                  b)Continuously under water
                                                 c) exposed to non-aggregate soil/underwater
                                                 d) Sheltered from saturated salt air in coastal areas
iii) Severe                    Structural Steel  Surfaces:
                                              a) exposed to severe frequent rain
                                              b) exposed to alternate wetting and drying
                                               c) severe condensation
                                               d)Completely immersed in sea water
                                                e) exposed to saturated salt air in coastal area
iv) very severe                      Structural Steel  Surfaces exposed to:
                                                                     a) sea water spray
                                                                      b) corrosive fumes
                                                                      c) aggressive subsoil or groundwater
v) Extreme                              Structural Steel  Surfaces exposed to:
                                                           a) tidal zones and splash zones in the sea
                                                           b) aggressive liquid or solid chemicals
                        Factors affecting durability of the Building/ Structure 
factors that affect the durability of the buildings under condition relevant to their intended life are listed below.
a) Environment
b) Degree of exposure
c) Shape of the member and structural detail
d) Protective measure
e) Ease of Maintenance

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125 किलोमीटर लंबी ऋषिकेश-कर्णप्रयाग रेल परियोजना

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