Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Design Elements in Highway Embankments

The Design Elements of highway embankment are following points.
(1) Height:- the height of embankment depends on the desired grade line of the highways, topography, stability of foundation and the soil Profile.
(2) Embankment Material:- Granular Soil is generally preferred as Highway Embankment Material.
The best of the soils existing locally is often selected with a view to keep the lead and lift as low as possible.
(3) Settlement of Filling Material:-
If the embankment foundation consists of compressible soil with high moisture content, the consolidation can occur due to increase in the load. 
To accelerate the rate of consolidation of saturated foundation clay, vertical drains are Constructed.
(4) Stability of Foundation:-
Stability of Foundation is required in case of weak soil just beneath or at a certain depth below of embankment foundation and in case of high Embankments.
(5) Stability of Slope:- 
The Embankment slopes should be stable enough to eliminate the possibility of a failure under adverse moisture and other conditions.
Often much flatter slopes are preferred in Highway Embankment due to aesthetic and other reason.

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