Friday, December 13, 2019

Form work & A good requirements of form work, Satisfy Condition of Form work

Form work - Centering, Shuttering or form-work is a sort of temporary construction provided for laying cast-in-situ concrete to required shape.

A good form-work should satisfy the following requirements.

(i.) It should be strong enough to withstand all types of dead and live loads such as self weight,weight of reinforcement , weight of wet concrete,loads due to workmen, construction equipment, other incidental loads and forces caused by placement and consolidation of concrete, imposed upon it during and after casting of concrete. 
(ii)  It should be rigidly constructed and efficiently propped and braced(both horizontally and vertically) so as to retain its shape without undue deflection.
(iii) The joints in the form-work should be tight against leakage of cement grout.
(iv) The form-work should be constructed in such a manner that it may permit the removal of various parts is desired sequence without jarring of damaging the concrete.
(v) The material of the form-work should be cheap, easily available and should be suitable for re-use several times.
(vi) The form-work should be set accurately to the desired line and levels and should plain surfaces.

(vii) The form-work should be as light as possible.
(viii) The material of form-work should not wrap of get distorted when exposed to sun, rain or water during concreting.
(ix) The form-work should rest on firm base.

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